Arduino 0012

Arduinoのソフトウェア(ファームウェア,ライブラリ,開発環境)ですが,久しぶりにバージョンアップがありました.今回のアップデートで特筆すべきなのはFirmata(ホストとArduino I/Oボード間に高レベル通信を可能にするプロトコル)のライブラリが含まれたことでしょうか.

* Added Arduino Nano to the boards menu.
* Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (8 MHz) to the boards menu.
* Added Firmata library by Hans Steiner and others.  This provides a standard
  protocol for communicating with software on the computer.
* Added an Ethernet library for use with the Arduino Ethernet Shield.
* Added a Servo library based on the work of Jim Studt.
* Added a LiquidCrystal library based on the work in the playground.  It
  supports both 4- and 8-bit modes.
* Improved millis(): it now overflows after 49 days instead of 9 hours, but
  now uses slightly more processing power.
* Fixed reversing direction bug in Stepper library.  (Thanks to Wayne Holder.)
* Moved insertion of #include <WProgram.h> to after any comments and #include
  statements in the main sketch file.  This means that an #include <stdlib.h>
  now works.
* Upgraded to newer versions of avr-gcc (4.3.0) and avr-libc (1.6).  This
  provides support for newer Atmel chips, but may increase the size
  of sketches.
* Allowing per-board specification of the upload.using preference, allowing
  upload via bootloader to some boards and via a programmer to others.
* Added return values to some functions in the Wire library to allow for
  better error handling.
* Fixed random() to work with long values.
* Creation of an abstract Print base-class to allow Serial, SoftwareSerial,
  and LiquidCrystal to share code for print() and println().
* Incorporated ladyada's watchdog timer mods to the bootloader source, but
  only compiling them in for the Pro and Pro Mini (because they are included
  in the bootloader being burned on the boards by SparkFun).